Generation of radio waves under non-stiff light dissipation

In this section we qualitatively discuss one of the possible causes of radio wave generation by polarized laser-radio-wave spectrometer (PLRS). We will speak of new mechanism of stiff/non-elastic light dissipation in electronic systems – in this case in metallic layers of the mirror’s coating of the laser’s resonator being the main element of the spectrometer.This mechanism is different from the traditional combined dissipation of photons. As opposed to discrete set of stocks and anti-stocks picks, the spectrum of this non-elastic light dissipation is continual and occupies whole diapason of frequencies from   to   , where   — frequency of the falling photon. 
Physics part of stiff/non-elastic dissipation is rather simple. We will seek to establish its Regularities on the example of stiff/non-elastic dissipation with excitation of volumetric and surface plasmons in a tiny metallic particle. Surface plasmon – are own electromagnetic modes of the tiniest metallic particles. They are connected with own oscillations interacting via coulomb electrons’ potential particle’s conductivity. These modes manifest themselves as distinct resonances in elastic light dissipation and absorption spectrums by the tiny metallic particles. Surface plasmons’ frequencies depending on concentration of electrons of conductivity inside the particles belongs to the border of visible UV light and is determined by the following formulae:The essence of classical mechanism of stiff/non-elastic light dissipation by the particle can be described in the following terms. Photon with energy  approaching the particle excites in it a fluctuation of electronic density discharging parts of its energy in to this process. The energy of the flying out photon  . This process is symbolically depicted in Fig.17. The colored area – fluctuation of the electronic density   , which is a superposition  of large number  of electron-vacant electron site couples excited by photon. Section of the process is particularly greater if the photon manages to “shake” dipole surface and volumetric plasmons. For a particle whose size is much less than the wavelength of approaching photon, differential section of stiff/non-elastic dissipation is nextThe mechanism proposed is different in principle. Let’s assume that there is a photon constantly “circulating” in a closed loop between the source of the radiation and the detector many times exchanging electronic density fluctuation with itself which are excited in network of diffusers located between the source and the detector. The grayed loops describe propagation of fluctuation of electronic density in the network of diffusers – these are so called attracted polarized operators density-density or simply correlators of the electronic density. Wavy lines – wave functions of real photons, horizontal lines – photons propagators. For example, the top section a random odd numbered loop describes a birth of an electronic density fluctuation by photon with   energy at the expense of reducing it energy by  , and the lower section – its shutting due to receiving back the energy   by photon. There can be any number of such loops on photons trajectory. Our photon infinite number of time exchanges its energy with itself in the process of stiff/non-elastic dissipation. This results in to peculiar exchange interaction of photon with itself, similar to that of common interchange of quantum chemistry. 
Differential section/cut of the process in question has the following look
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