Quantum teleportation of genetic-metabolic information

(based on works of  [Prangishvil ,Gariaev, Maksimenko et al., 2000(б); http://www.wavegenetics.jino-net.ru/zip/Teleport.zip

The abovegiven biological experiments on remote transmission of morphogenetic, or more accurately – genetic-metabolic information/data from a donor to recipient may be interpreted from views of non-localized contacts in accordance with mechanics of quantum teleportation in permissive version/mode. The laser device, practically – quantum bio-computer (of which we mentioned before), apart from unique capability of wave transfer of morphogenetic information, can also perform a conversion of red coherent photons into radio waves of rather wide spectrum. These very waves – are candidates for the first act of scanning and transmitting.

When scanning bio-samples or some other substances with the laser light, in essence a biologically active spectroscopy is performed of a distinct kind. We propounded a tentative explanation of this phenomenon [Gariaev. Tertishnii, Gotovskii, 1997], which is primary substantiation of the new king of spectroscopy — called polarized laser-radio-wave spectroscopy (PLRS) [Prangishvili, Gariaev at al., 2000 (b)]. Such spectroscopy is designed to research and examine unknown spin-fluctuating quantum-molecular characteristics of bio-systems, bio-tissues, hard, liquid and gas substances, and also plasma conditions/states. The type of PLRS that we describe here takes a narrow optical diapason – red light, yet it is planned in the future that modification from UV to IR diapason be available.

This present version of the device – He-Ne laser ( ) with generation of two orthogonal linked in their intensity optical modes, which are mobile and depend on the object being probed and are connected in that way so the total of their intensities remains constant irrespective of preparation (bio-sample, tissue) being scanned. When even one of the modes is interacting with the substance, reflected and dispersed emission of which is returned in to optical resonator, redistribution of intensities of these optical modes occur in line with the law of polarization change, attributed to the new state/condition after the interaction of the laser beam with dynamic micro-polarizers, which are located on section/cut of illuminated area of the sample in question. Dynamics of the micro-polarizers is determined by internal dynamics of the object being examined. (metabolism, acoustics of chromosomes and DNA in vivo-in vitro, fluctuations of crystal grids and so on). One of the laser modes, in regime of photons being returned back to resonator, is capable of causing emission/irradiation by our device of modulated radio waves in wide spectrum, correlated with modulations in optical modes of emission in our laser. (Rather complex sentences-the meaning may be lost – rephrase-translator’s remarks)
These modulations depend on spinning fluctuating micro-structural components  (for instance, of LCC domens in vivo-in vitro) of substances under examination and level of their optical activities. Frequency interval of radio waves created when converting photons in accordance with theoretical model (further below) lies in diapason from 2  up to 0. The maximum of such irradiation is located in the region of 1 MHz. Radio wave signal having been detected is passed to a CPU of a computer with designated software for the signal processing. At the other end Fourier spectrum of radiowaves is recorded, charachterising polarized-dynamic features of substances with which one of the laser beams is interacting and also a spectral memory of emitting substances. The second light beam is returned to the resonator of the laserfor creating a resonance  interaction wit hatomic oscillators of the gas mixtures. The reason for photons being converted in to radio waves, as we believe is nonw-stiff dispersion and localization of the light of the main laser modes upon the system of non- homogeneity of the mirrors in the laser resonator. Mechanism for localization (localization in the non-stiff dispersion channel) is given further on. In particular we believe that in the resonator there exists a stiff-dispersed localized light. 
The radio wave emission that is generated by the laser is able to “read information”, for example, from DNA samples or organs or tissues. The reading mechanism resembles process of usual induced radiation. An option of closing and opening laser’s resonator allows localization or “record” in it spectrums of various objects/samples under examination. Radio wave radiation is able to scan and transmit such spectrums. Then we discovered an effect of spectral memory; during a certain macroscopic lengh of time one reproduces radio wave spectrums of objects in question, which reflect the laser beam back into resonator and than removed from the exposition zones. In this way we managed to record DNA spectrums and revealed their highly bio-activities, more likely to be linked with wave mode of transmission of genetic-metabolic information/data.  [Gariaev, Leonova, 2003]. IT appears that quantum non-locality of genetic (chromosome) information/data (as manifestation of its total distribution (continuality) inside multi-cell bio-systems), is a particular instance.  In reality, there are at least6 levels of non-locality in bio-systems.
Level 1 – organisms’ level. Non-locality here is expressed in ability to regeneration, for instance in Planaria worms. After cutting of these organisms, any part of their body reproduces the whole body. In other words in this case there is no an attachment of the common pool of genetic information to any particular part of these worms. The same applies to vegetative reproduction in plants.
Level 2 – cellular. Out of any cell (and not only from zygote) one could grow the whole organism. For living biosystems it is more difficult, however possible. Every cell is a potential continuum of the organism.
Level 3 – cellular-nucleotide. Enucleation of nucleuses from somatic and gamete cells with subsequent injection of other nucleuses does not hinder a normal development of an organism. Cloning of this kind is already being performed on the high bio-systems, sheep for instance. Every cellular nucleus – is a potential continuum of a bio-system. Localization of genetic potencies on certain kind of cells is not the case. Gamete cells perform the same role but with haploid set of chromosomes, combining in zygote in to double set, the same as in somatic cells. 
Level 4 – molecular: ribosome “reads” informational RNA not only on separate codons, but the whole of it in certain context, that is – non locally, but continually. 
Level 5 – chromosomic-holographic. Genome possesses holographic memory [Gariaev et al., 1991; Gariaev, 1994], and this is tipically distributed (non-local) associative memory. At this and the subsequent levels non-locality obtaines new quality, dualistic material-wave/field character since the holograms I the same manner as materials are scanned by electromagnetic or/and acoustic fields, which carry  genetic-wave information/data beyond material substance of chromosomes. Here we deal with physical field or fields, as calibration formations marking future space-time of an organism. It appears that holographic memory of cortex pertains to this fields as well, which sets mental, rational and imaginary spaces, which calibrate potential actions of higher bio-systems in a socium (?) as a super-organism. This is the highest level of socio-genetic processes. 
Level 6 – quantum non-locality of genome. Up to the level 6 genetic information/data non-locality is realized in space of the organism and also in socium. Level 6 has a special character and new quality. It is expressed in one of the forms of quantum non-locality, namely – pemissive, postulated in this paper. In that case non-locality is instantly realized across the space of the bio-system as much as on its own, “compressed” until zeroed — time. Instantaneously distributed in this manner genome-wave programs, isomorphic materially, perform in the organism “here and there at the same time’, therefore it is meaningless to use the semantic structure “now and then”. This is a strategic factor, incredibly vital evolutionary achievement for multi-cell bio-systems. Billions of cells of the organism ought to “know” one another and about one another if not everything than at least a lot and instantly. Without phenomena of “wave informational instantaneity” gigantic multi-cell continuum if the highest bio-systems is not capable of holistically coordinate metabolism, its own physiological and other functions. Intercellular diffusion of signaling substances and nervous processes are overly slow, inert for these purposes.  Even if we suppose that symbolic electromagnetic field as quick as speed of light (which is sensible supposition) take part in intercellular exchange, then this is not sufficient either. It must possess a mechanism of quantum non-locality and it can be applied to genetic apparatus, which may perform as an instantly distributed quantum (wave) object, isomorphic to material chromosomes. 
Utilizing non-locality, genetic apparatus of the highest bio-systems creates amazing phenomenon, when at certain moments in “compressed” space-time of bio-system “here and there”, “now and then” are working as a continuity providing for the organisms super-coherence, informational super-abundance, super-informed, connectedness and as a result integrity (survival). As a manifestation of these phenomena one can observe regenerative abilities in organd and tissues in inferior organisms (hydra, worms, amphibians, lizards, Crustacea), the ability which has largely been lost by humans. However, it may be activated considering principles of wave self-organization processes that we advance and develop in this paper and in our experiments. 
As an illustration of these phenomena serves the very first successful grafting of implanted donor’s tissues in a blind human with recovery of vision [Muldashev, 2000]. As a foundation (ideology) for such surgeries and regenerative processes were used our models of morphogenesis and holographic memory of genome. The key moment of this surgery was utilization of donor’s retina as a hologram and intercellular substance (alloplant) as systems of additional coordination post-embryonic morphogenesis of the eye, which was in fact predicted earlier [Gariaev, 1994]. 
Meanwhile these theoretical-experimental researches here are tentative and  initial and require physics-mathematical foundation and consideration and advancement. For that reason we show formalized model of photonic-radio-wave processes, brought in to existence when laser beam is interacting with the substances, processes, which can be view as foundation of PLRS and one of the version of quantum informational events in chromosomes. 
The fundamental grounding of our ideas lies in theories of localization of light in dispersing space-correlated systems. The Phenomenon of localization of light received a wide acknowledgement since 1985 after works of [Albada, 1985]. Today it is one of most dynamically developing spheres in physics, closely interrelating with such issues as, for instance, quantum teleportation, new methods of recording and reading information and so on. 

Works of [Albada, 1985] researched light reflection from semitransparent material filled with minute particles of latex suspended in water with conditions when the wavelength of the falling photon   (  — average distance between the particles). Against the background of Fresnel reflections, strictly to the reverse (backwards) direction rather narrow peak of intensity of diffused light was observed (Fig.5) The signal exceeded background value by 2 times. To explain the effect it is sufficient to look at a couple of particles which happen to have been on the way of the photons. Element of photon trajectory, reflected strictly backwards is a a situated between a couple of particles infinitely narrow loop (noose). 
Suppose that a photon can traverse that loop (noose) in two ways – clockwise and counterclockwise. These 2 options are shown in Fig.6a. They are indistinguishable.

There is an elegant mathematical formula which on one hand resembles something which is in physics called a line or trajectory and on the other hand its topological measurements d is in fact smaller than 1. Moreover, d=0. We speak of so called chained multiplicity of Antoine. [Boltyanskii, Efremovich, 1982] This object as no other is suitable for describing processes of continuous regeneration of various-scaled loops in photon’s trajectory.
It is constructed by starting with a solid torus, replacing it by a «necklace» inside it formed of linked tori, then replacing each of these tori by another necklace inside it, and repeating this an infinite number of times .
Antoine’s necklace is composed in the following way. At first stage “thick” locked loop A1 is considered. At the second stage – A1 is substituted by less thicker element of the chain A2, located inside A1. Further, each element of A2 is replaced by other smaller elements А3  А2   and so on. Eventually one gets А1  А2  А3 … sequence Firg.7. Intersections of these multi-sets represent Antoine zero-dimensional compactum А. The described structure is the simplest version of Antoine’s necklace. 
Despite the fact that Antoine’s necklace is zero-dimensional, it does retain certain  features of a common one-dimensional line. So where from common one-dimensional multiplicity А0 it is possible to remove the “previously put-through” it element without touching or crossing А0,  the same cannot be done with zero-dimensional compactum А.
Let’s suppose that photon’s trajectory under stron and weak localization is Antoine’s zero-dimensional multiplicity with topological dimension of d=0. Interesting conclusions follow then. If the photon moves on Antoine’s trajectory then it is difficult for it to abandone, leave the multiplicity. It experiences problems with entering the real world with d=1,2,3 – similar to a person in a room without windows and doors. Physical interpretation is also possible of the mechanism as to retaining the light in the system, determined by unusual topology of Antoine’s trajectories. Substitution of the real #d photon by zero-dimensional object leads to singular character of energy distribution along the trajectory of Antoine’s photon. Such a trajectory gains peculiar “mechanical stiffness”.  Intertwined “stiff” elements of Antoine’s multiplicity resist any attempt of release. This in turn is also a reason for retaining the photon near the couple, more precisely, by itself. 

Is it possible for the Antoine’s photon to regain “freedom” and move in to the “real world”? The narrow peak directed backwards whilst light diffusion by the dispersed system under weak localization is in fact an emission of Antoine’s photons, initiated by light.
Analysis of a number of theories of excitation for photon propagator in particle systems shows that there are trajectories isomorphic to Antoine’s multiplicity. These trajectories, similar to those of a loop composed od two parts as rings on handcuffs are presented in Fig.8.  Two semi rings (not necessarily the same) interlock at the top particle. The total sum of such loops is indicated as colored toned rings. During their motion these rings may intertwine — see Fig.9. In turn every propagation line, of which the rings are composed, is also a set of intertwined rings on smaller scale Fig.10. This is replicated infinitely. 

 One of the objects where strong renorming of the radiation’s wavelength is possible is fractal cluster composed of slowly absorbing particles-monomers. Fractal – this term is given to heterogenic systems possessing large-scale invariant. Any small fragment of the system when magnified reproduces spatial formation of the entire system. Fractal Cluster (FC) is an agglomerate of micron size comprised of nanometer hard particles held together by Van der Waals forces. FC are created either as a result of highly unbalanced condensation of vapor from hard substances and subsequent aggregation of nanometer particles-monomers, or at the initial stages of processes crystallization from solutions or fusions. 
Scaled invariance of a cluster determines relatively steady reduction of coupled correlations in location of its particles. Coupled correlative function expresses as

Causes of renorming are remote correlations in locations of FC particles, visually observed as a unity of the cluster as well as in presence of large number of empty spaces in it. It can be explained. Let a photon falling onto a cluster with wavelength of   of a specific cluster L is captured by some sufficiently large cavity in FC (resonance cavity). This capturing leads to gaining the effective dielectric permeability of the cluster   (  grows near any electromagnetic resonance [Boren, Hafman, 1986]). Increase in   value, in turn, initiates photon’s wavelength reduction because  . Photon with renormed wavelength  finds another cavity of smaller size. This New capturing stimulates increase of   value again and new reduction of   and so on. Eventually all the cavities can be filled with renormed photons, including those whose wavelength  .
Physics of light localization in fractal systems and calculation schemes are as further outlined. There is always a photon between the source and the deterctor of the radiation, which is circling in a closed loop (Fig.11). Photon is kept there because of intertwined stiff Antoine’s rings on its path (Fig.12). The rings form as a result of numerous dissipations of the photon upon particles-monomers of FC. Further, one calculated the amplitude of the interacting virtual photon couples situated inside an area marked as FC (fractal cluster), in Fig.12. One of them corresponds to an upper “shore” and the second – to a lower. Typical processes that generate this amplitude can be seen in Fig.12, if one disregards the undulatory lines of real photons. Amplitude of the interaction is sought as a solution of the appropriate Bette-Salpeter equation. One could show that the imaginary partition of this amplitude describes “detention” and localization of the photon in the system.
Adequate calculation result in the following expression for differential section (cut) of the stiff light dissipation by the cluster [Maksimenko, 1999]:

Coherency of the forced emission/irradiation iz provided for  by Antoine’s localized “zero-dimension” photons by means of being able to concentrate on a small volume (surface?).   Physics side of coherent photons release is simple and illustrative. Any photon, dissipated “sidewise” is captured by cluster and begins oscillating in it along the direction of dissipation without a right to exit the cluster. Antoine’s rings are then formed on its path which are intertwined with corresponding rings of the localized photons. This very interlacement  “detains” such photon in cluster. Most rings are formed by photon that dissipates at zero angle – imaginary part   has its maximum value when   (see equation (1)). At the same time only such photon has any chance to break off from the cluster which is described by the real part of the section/cut. This photon hooked up by its rings with correlating rings of the localized photons pulls them out (Fig.13). This is how, by means of Antoine’s rings, it is possible to understand the nature (physics) of the forced emission (irradiation). 
We anticipate that effects of this kind, in particular – localization of light, are t=present in the system of correlating mirrors of the device described here. Here, localization is possible between any couple out of the entire pool of omnifarious combinations of mirror. 

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