Numerical integration of system (2) showed that two separate/solitary waves are formed, moving from the right to the left along the chain at constant speed. The first wave has a form of quasi-kink, and the second wave – quasi-briser, and the velocity of the first wave exceeds the one for the second. Both waves due to “quasi-cyclic” borderline conditions, having reached the left end, appear in the right side with out any changes to their form. Quasi-kins, traversing along the chains of pendulums, changes coordinate of each pendulum at an angle of (the pendulum does full circle). Therefore, traveling in the closed-loop chain of the pendulums К times, it changes coordinate of each pendulum by angle. This expounds “ledge-type” form of the graphs. In Fig 2. One can see the results of system (4) integration in the same conditions. It can be viewed from the picture that the same separate/solitary two waves are formed – quasi-kink and quasi-briser. Yet the principal distinction from the previous case is in that the quasi-kink in the very beginning moves with negative acceleration so that its velocity turns out to be slower of the one for quasi-briser. WE note that these experiments were conducted on homogeneous poly-A-sequence so that change in speed of quasi-kink cannot be explained by influence of non-homogeneousness of the chain. This effect is explained by non-linear interaction between its monomers.
Fig 3 illustrated results of integration of system (4) at the same conditions excep that A=2. In this case only quasi-kink is realized and its negative accelation in the beginning is such that as a result it moves in the direction opposite to the initial. When integrationg system (2) in analogus conditions only quasi-kink is formed and its velocity doe not alter compared to the case in Fig 1.
Importantly, that in appropriate condition in the system of DNA or RNA kind there can appear over-excited ro-vibronic states. In quantum language this would be adequate to re-population highly placed quantum levels compared to the main (realization of inverse population). In this cas an attractive notion appears related to principle possibility ovf creation bio-solitonic laser on DNA moleculs ..
However in the theory of biopolymers dynamics it is well known that conforming motions are realized according to mechanism of restricted diffusion in the light of strong influence of dissipation forces from the micro-environment. Because of that, solutions to the problem of building a bio-solitonic laser on DNA is